Welcome to "Women's Ministry" at WBC-

Remember when you were a kid and you stood on the playground watching the kids play on the merry-go-round.  Maybe you were the first to jump on or stand in the middle or maybe you watched as the merry-go-round got full and then you jumped on and clung to the rail. Maybe you were of those kids that stood off watching others as they enjoyed the ride, and inside you were wishing you could jump on yourself to enjoy the fun. Like that merry-go-round life is going on all around you. People are interacting with each other, connecting with each other in relationships and enjoying life as they participate in it.  God has a personal plan for you to be connected not only with Himself,  but with others around you. Perhaps you’ve been standing by watching and waiting to get involved. You have seen how others are making a difference in the lives of those whom God has placed in their paths and you are wishing that God would do for you the same thing. Well sweet friend, He has! Now is your time. Take the plunge, jump on with us and let’s have fun enjoying serving the Lord and others together. We at WBC have lots of opportunities for you to experience and interact with others in Women’s Ministry. So, jump in and join us.


This ministry reaches out to Mom's and their families who are new to our church as well as families that may be visiting or not yet regular attendees to church functions and may not be plugged in to our Sunday School, Training Union or Bible Studies. This ministry works to establish relationships that will bring them into the fellowship of our church to make them feel welcome and a part of our WBC family. They also provide helpful answers that newcomers may have concerning our Church and the events and programs that Wyatte provides its members and their families.
If you would like to be a part of this ministry, contact:   Kristy Wilkerson


Like Dorcus in the Bible, this group of dedicated individuals use their creative sewing, knitting, crocheting or crafting talents to make items that serve and meet the needs of others as well as assisting in Choral productions within the Church.  If you have any items you think we could use, such as fabric, sewing notions, batting, yarn, needles, etc., please feel free to donate them to our ministry.
If you are interested in being a part of this ministry at WBC please contact: Lisa Steward


In Acts 16:13 we read of the apostle Paul attending a riverside prayer meeting outside of Philippi. He encountered a group of praying women, one of whom was a businesswoman named Lydia. She was a worshipper of God whose heart the Lord opened to respond to Paul’s message. Her response led not only to her own conversion but to the conversion and baptism of her whole household. She then opened her home to the great apostle, and the first fellowship of Christian believers in Europe met in her house. God used a woman’s prayer meeting to change history once. Our desire is that Jesus would transform all of us into world Christians, with a heart for God and a mind for truth. We see this modeled in the example of Lydia. Her love and obedience to Jesus impacted not only her family and Philippi but ultimately Europe and the world. This prayer group prays weekly for revival in their families, neighborhoods, cities, churches, our country and around the world. God’s Word teaches in n Acts 1:8 that Jesus promised His disciples that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth. So from this verse we are encouraged that our prayers start at home and end up surrounding the world in Jesus name!
If you would like to be a part of this ministry contact: Debbie McElfresh


The Women’s Ministry Childcare Ministry at Wyatte strives to provide a loving atmosphere of supervised play and structured learning for children from Birth through Fifth grade during our Women’s Special Events that are held at the Church through a staff of excellent teachers and Nursery caregivers. They utilize a Christ centered curriculum for age-appropriate Bible learning activities. It is however, necessary that you make your reservation at least one week prior to the event. To register, simply register your child by name and age on the SIGN-UP sheets that will be provided on the Church’s  Bulletin Board before every event and/or contact the Women’s Ministry Childcare Coordinator  with any questions or to cancel. If you would like to help in this Ministry please contact: Laura Stepp


This ministry helps to provide meals to WBC families who have recently been hospitalized, become a new Mother, or just need an extra helping hand by having a meal provided for them.
If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact: Team Leader Needed


Learn how to deepen your relationship with God through Bible Study.  Through demonstration and instruction our Bible Studies are all prayed over and designed with you in mind. Our interactive classes will provide practical tools to help women of all ages learn to access God's Truth on their own.
If you are interested in any of our Bible Studies contact: Carrie Lowry


GNO is designed to bring the women in our church together in order to become better acquainted with each other, while experiencing a time of encouragement, inspiration and fun! At the end of a long day it is always nice to take much needed time to relax and laugh and enjoy the company of other ladies in an evening of fun, faith, and fellowship that is designed especially for women. Our desire is to engage women with fun, humor and inspire them with hope through great fellowship and a time of ministry. Our purpose is that our GNO will bless the women attending and encourage them to draw nearer to the heart of God as they get to know each other better. If you would like to host a GNO in your home or would like more information contact: Team Leader Needed


Our Girls in Action (GA's) plays a very large role in our missions ministry at Wyatte. It allows our school-aged girls to be involved in Christ's vision for reaching out to the world. This group allows them to learn about the Savior, His Word, their world and encourages them to be on the lookout for God's plans for their lives. They memorize scripture, learn about different countries and the missionaries serving those countries and have lots of fun in the process. They also participate in all types of outreach in their church, community, country, as well as the world.
If you would like to be a part of this great ministry contact: Lynn Campbell & Haley Thompson


This is another wonderful mission outreach ministry that reaches across the oceans and touches the very lives of small children around the globe. It involves raising the funds to purchase toys, candies, books, clothes, shoes and many other items that will fit inside a shoebox and mailed to a child in another country in order to provide them with a little bit of Christmas. It involves filling the boxes, packing them into larger boxes and sending them off to a warehouse that organizes the shipments of the boxes to where they will go. Each year, Ms. Pam takes a group from WBC to Alabama to assist in the process of shipping those boxes.
If you are interested in helping in this ministry, contact: Anita Rubinstein or Haley Thompson


This ministry is responsible for decorating the Church Halls/Foyers, Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall and any other room or space needed for Special Services, Events and Holidays. This ministry also assist in helping with the flower beds and flower pots outside the Church's building. If you love working with flower arrangements, decorating or tilling the soil with a spade, this is the ministry for you!
If you would like to be a part of this ministry contact: Jennifer Rogers


The Kitchen ministry assist in all Church wide fellowships and special events that take place at WBC throughout the year. If you love to piddle in the kitchen and serve others, this is a great way to do so within our Church body. 
If you would like to be a part of this ministry contact:  Myra McGehee


CPC is a non-profit organization established to counsel pregnant women against having an abortion. They provide peer counseling related to abortion, pregnancy, and childbirth, and may also offer additional non-medical services such as financial assistance, child-rearing resources, and adoption referrals. WBC assist the local center in the Senatobia area by providing showers and some other helps to encourage young mothers not to have abortions.
If you would like more information or help in this ministry contact:  Haley Thompson


The focus in this ministry is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our local female inmates in jails,  and juvenile detention centers. We seek to reach the lost and hurting behind bars through the healing and saving power of God’s grace.
If you are interested in this ministry contact: Team Leader Needed


Titus 2:3-5 specifically targets women’s relationship with one another. Paul encouraged Titus to identify those qualified older women who could, and should, teach and model godliness to the younger women in the Church helping them to maneuver through their own personal struggles and troubles that life will send their way. The Requirements to be a Mentor to other women: Obedient, and Available.
If you would like to be involved in this ministry contact: Team Leader Needed


The Greeting Ministry welcomes visitors and hands out any type of flyer/handout that may need to be passed out during services and special events.
If you are interested in this ministry contact: Patsy Blair

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PSALM 46:10

DATES: OCTOBER 14 & 15, 2016

For a list of speakers & worship groups you can visit their web page:

As of last Wednesday Mrs. Debbie was still able to get discounted tickets. Hurry and contact her if interested in attending and getting the lower rates.

2 day Conference Tickets tax included are:

If you choose the Box Lunch you must indicate that, they are

Your total Ticket price with the lunch box is 63.97

Contact Debbie Johnson for more information 662-560-8782